The surgery welcomes feedback after your consultation with us.
We are complimented on our staff and simple vision to help you to have positive outcomes, access and opportunities to receive NHS diagnostics, specialists and medicines in a safe, timely and effective way. We cannot get everything right and we cannot be a surrogate focus for a large and complex system that is free-at-the-point-of-use.
Although understandable, please do not feedback on nationwide and system-wide issues which we cannot directly control, including matters related to waiting times, hospital issues, Government funding, commissioned services and workforce crises as we try to play our local small part in delivering NHS General Practice meaningfully to the locality.
We are complimented on our staff and simple vision to help you to have positive outcomes, access and opportunities to receive NHS diagnostics, specialists and medicines in a safe, timely and effective way. We cannot get everything right and we cannot be a surrogate focus for a large and complex system that is free-at-the-point-of-use.
Although understandable, please do not feedback on nationwide and system-wide issues which we cannot directly control, including matters related to waiting times, hospital issues, Government funding, commissioned services and workforce crises as we try to play our local small part in delivering NHS General Practice meaningfully to the locality.
Results 2023The surgery is proud of the 2023 GP survey results and positive feedback despite NHS challenges and the Covid-19 pandemic. We positively rank above the local and national results in key areas that matter to patients:
91% of respondents find it easy to get through to this GP practice by phone ICS result: 60%National result: 50% 85% of respondents usually get to see or speak to their preferred GP when they would like to ICS result: 39%National result: 35% 94% say the healthcare professional they saw or spoke to was good at giving them enough time during their last general practice appointment ICS result: 85%National result: 84% 70% of respondents describe their experience of making an appointment as good ICS result: 62%National result: 54% 83% describe their overall experience of this GP practice as good ICS result: 76%National result: 71% |
Leave us a reviewWe welcome your feedback.
Your experiences are always valued. |
LEAVE US A REVIEWWe welcome your feedback.
Your experiences are always valued. |