We aim to get you the earliest specialist opinion when a GP decides that specialist referral is necessary.
Once a Booking number and Access code is created for you, it is up to the hospital provider and department to then organise your specialist appointment and follow-up. Consultant-led treatment will start within 18 weeks of referral under the NHS Constitution. General Practice is not in control of hospital providers, their triage processes and waiting lists.
Please discuss any hospital issues, results or follow-up queries with your hospital Consultant and their secretary, using details on your NHS correspondence. The hospital Patient Advice and Liason Service (PALS) can also help deal with service issues.
Once a Booking number and Access code is created for you, it is up to the hospital provider and department to then organise your specialist appointment and follow-up. Consultant-led treatment will start within 18 weeks of referral under the NHS Constitution. General Practice is not in control of hospital providers, their triage processes and waiting lists.
Please discuss any hospital issues, results or follow-up queries with your hospital Consultant and their secretary, using details on your NHS correspondence. The hospital Patient Advice and Liason Service (PALS) can also help deal with service issues.
Contact NHS hospitalYou can book, cancel or change a hospital appointment by contacting a hospital directly.
NHS e-referral serviceYou can manage your referral via the NHS e-Referral Service, with your Booking number and Access code.
Private REFERRALSYou have a right to choose private care without being referred by a GP. Private letters may incur fees.